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Early Disease Detection

Fevers & Their Role in Early Disease Detection

The Cold Fire System includes a specialty ring that one wears around the base of their "ring" finger. This ring looks like a metal band and is, in fact, made out of high-quality thermally-activated titanium steel. This steel band is built to constantly monitor the heat that registers from one's fingers and display that temperature via the incorporated display unit. The purpose of the Cold Fire System's constant monitoring and temperature display is to serve as an early disease detection.

This early disease detection works because part of what the COLD Fire System is looking for is a heightened temperature that indicates a fever and a fever is the body's own first early infection detection system. Fevers are an early disease detection system in and of themselves because they indicate that your immune system is trying to fight off an illness.

Fevers are defined as when the body's temperature rises above its normal levels (which is between 98 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Fahrenheit). This temperature rises because the immune system detects some sort of virus or bacteria in the body that should not be. The hypothalamus, the body's internal thermostat, then tells the body to generate and retain more heat (this is the fever) with the aim of creating an environment that is more inhospitable to the detected virus or bacteria. At the same time, the immune system is sending other agents to further fight whatever invader it has been alerted to by this early infection detection body system.

While fevers do happen fairly fast, there is some lead-up as the body starts generating that extra heat. The Cold Fire System is designed to alert wearers that their body heat is rising, and a fever may be oncoming; an early disease detection system for your body's early infection detection system.

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