Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do I need Cold Fire System?
Ans: The Cold Fire System includes a wearable constant temperature monitoring device. It can detect the presence of fever throughout the day and night. Fever is often associated with infection caused by nasty disease-causing germs. Addressing the root causes of fever early has been associated with reducing the time of illness and saving lives. This is especially true with COVID, where early intervention is lifesaving!
2. How do I know if I have a high-quality Cold Fire Ring or an inferior knockoff?
Ans: Every Cold Fire Ring has a signature logo on the outside and engraving on the inside: "Cold Fire Ring."
3. What is an average body temperature?
Ans: Average body temperature is between 97.7 - 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. It can vary with health status anemia, menstruation, illness, time of day, age, sex, temperature, current environment, activity level, and the body part tested. When the core temperature elevates to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it strongly suggests that fever is present.
4. Why is my temperature so much lower on my Cold Fire Ring?
Ans: Because the finger is an extremity that is positioned away from the insulated core of the body, it can measure much lower than the body’s core temperature. When the core temperature elevates to 99 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the finger temperature registers closer to the body core temperature. Typical body core temperature averages approximately 98.6°F. When the Cold Fire Ring indicates a temperature above 100.0°F, this strongly suggests that a fever is present.
5. What do I do if I have an elevated Cold Fire Ring reading?
Ans: When a temperature rises to the level of 100 degrees or higher, further investigation by a qualified health professional is recommended. If ill or abnormal feelings exist and there is no discernible fever present, seek medical evaluation from a qualified health professional. Not all illnesses or infections are associated with fever. If your temperature is confirmed as elevated, seek professional medical care as soon as possible.
6. My Cold Fire Ring does not show a digital temperature. What do I do?
Ans: Make sure your ring fits snugly onto your finger but not so tightly that circulation is compromised or not removable. Warm your ring under your armpit or between the upper thighs for a minimum of 5 minutes. Check again to see if the temperature registers on your ring. If it does not register, contact us via email at: info@coldfirering.com.
7. My temperature is 100 degrees on my Cold Fire Ring. Does that mean I have the Flu, Coronavirus, or another serious infection?
Ans: No. High temperatures indicate elevated body temperature. While the most common reasons for high body temperature are infectious diseases, these are not the only reasons. Other common reasons for elevated body temperature include heat exhaustion, heatstroke, allergic reactions, medications, vaccines, and malignant tumors. If a higher than average temperature is present, please get in touch with your medical provider.
8. How do I turn my Cold Fire Ring off?
Ans: Your Cold Fire Ring offers 24/7 monitoring. You never have to worry about your ring shutting off or having to charge a battery. The Cold Fire Ring offers No/low maintenance temperature monitoring.
9. At what temperature should I become concerned that illness may be present?
Ans: Please recognize that underlying illness may exist even when fever is not present. As body temperature rises above 99 degrees, the likelihood that underlying illness is the reason that elevation becomes higher. As a general guideline, when a temperature rises to the level of 100 degrees or higher, further investigation by a qualified health professional is recommended. If ill or abnormal feelings exist and there is no discernible fever present, seek medical evaluation from a qualified health professional. Not all illnesses or infections are associated with fever.
10. How does my Cold Fire Ring work?
Ans: Your Cold Fire Ring is high-quality, thermally-activated titanium steel. It detects and registers heat radiating from your fingers, allowing Peace of Mind with 24/7 temperature monitoring.
11. What is Cold Fire Ring made of?
Ans: Cold Fire Ring is a thermally-activated device. It is high-quality, titanium steel embedded with a highly conductive, heat-reactive membrane that measures temperature.
12. I am allergic to nickel and like metals. Is Cold Fire Ring safe for me?
Ans: The Cold Fire Ring is hypoallergenic. It is high-quality, 100% titanium steel, and does not contain any nickel.
13. Will Cold Fire Ring burn me?
Ans: No. The Cold Fire Ring measures the heat emitted from your skin and does not generate heat itself.
14. Is Cold Fire Ring waterproof?
Ans: Yes, it is waterproof and also will not rust! The Cold Fire Ring is a thermally-activated device made of premium quality titanium steel. The Cold Fire Ring monitors temperatures constantly without the use of batteries. With normal usage, it is always on, never shuts down, and is not affected by water.
15. What is the smallest size Cold Fire Ring comes in?
Ans: size 4
16. Is this the same ring used to monitor NBA Player's Vitals within "The Bubble?"
Ans: No, It Is Not. That device is a costly, sophisticated electronic device that measures heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and other body vitals. Its multi-application for providing more health data will consume more class time and maintenance to obtain temperature.
Cold Fire Ring is a beautiful and valuable tool that strictly shows the temperature at a glance and requires no maintenance. The best part about the Cold Fire Ring is that it is exceptionally affordable for schools and families.
17. Can the Cold Fire Ring be used to monitor heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke?
Ans: No. This device is not designed to monitor heat-related illnesses and should not be used to do so. The device is not designed to detect elevated temperatures in a person engaging in activities in very hot environments which may lead to extreme rises in core body temperatures.